Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How " We" came to be!

And to think it all started off like this...

It all started with a convention,  an Anime convention to be exact.  I was 18, and staying at my first anime convention over night.  My friends and I however got separated and my phone was dead.  I had no way at all to contact them, and so I had nowhere to sleep.  I decided I had to get some sleep before the next day and so I crashed out in one of the video rooms.  I was asleep no more than an hour and a half or so when I felt a gentle nudge to my shoulder and a quiet male voice saying " You can't sleep here".  I sat up and there was a tall guy, about my age with a long blonde ponytail, a black trench coat with chains on it and a collar with a leash around his neck. 

 I blinked sleepily I'm sure and told him the situation,  He was obviously security for the convention and I was so scared I'd get booted from the convention.  He introduced himself to me as Pac, and I told him my name.  I later came to know him as Paul. He listened carefully and then told me he'd try and help me. He radio'd my situation into the security control room and got an okay for me to sleep there as long as I was out by 8 o'clock the next morning.  I happily agreed and then he asked me if I had a way to get a shower.  I told him I did not, and he offered to let me use his the next day.  I gratefully accepted as I had no desire whatsoever to have the " confunk".  He left me to sleep and I am pretty sure I fell asleep with a smile on my face from his kindness.

The next day was a blur of catching up with my friends and seeing Pac around the convention, during one point of the day I ended up keeping him company as he was guarding the dealer's room and he and I for some reason had put the collar he wore on me.  He held the leash and I happily sat beside him and kept him company for quite some time.  He invited me to the dance that night. I had never been and so I agreed happily to his invitation.   I was in an open relationship with a guy at the time and was the pet to a Mistress and her pet as well.  Both had told me that the weekend was mine so long as I was safe and let them know what was going on.  I had permission to play as well!

I met him that night at the dance and we both danced for what felt like all night, at least three hours of dancing non stop with, around and for each other.  The energy that we had that night was incredible and absolutely amazing.  After he let me up into his room to take a shower which I was very grateful for.  Unfortunately for me, my pants had gotten lost somewhere along the way and I desperately wanted out of my cat-girl unitard.  So he offered me a pair of his khaki shorts and a belt and i gladly accepted that too. I had taken off my ears and they ended up in his luggage and I forgot them there.

The weekend came to a close and I didn't get his shorts and belt back to him.  So we had traded numbers and AIM screen names, and I messaged him that I had his shorts and he then told me he had somehow managed to be in possession of my ears.  We agreed to give them back to each other when we next saw one another ( he lived about five hours away from me at that point).

For over six years he tried to get my ears back to me and I somehow lost his shorts and belt in a move. He got in trouble one time early on with his ex because I saw a friend of his and told her to tell him I had his shorts,  she unfortunately told him in front of his ex and he had to explain it all lol.  When I finally got my ears back I was pretty amused because for six years he had managed to keep track of them for me, even when I lost his shorts!

We kept touch through the years and we talked about everything and anything   I was doing delivery for the flower shop I worked for and he was the person I called when I couldn't stand to be in the car alone anymore.  He's a pagan too and we had many conversations on the divine and magic.  We talked about relationships, ideals, morals and just about everything under the sun.  We got to know eachother really well and I trusted him with any secrets.

When I left my last D/s relationship of five years He and I were going to make plans to see each other and just have fun and see what that strange connection we had was like on a more intimate level. We didn't get the chance that time.  I was terrified of being alone after having my master around for over five years.  I rebounded hard, with a man who had no concept of how to be honest or how to be kinky or dominant.  I had a miserable 7 month relationship filled with lies, cheating and misunderstanding.  I left him and started my own life, I had a good job, I had a good place to live and I had an active and vibrant social life.  I healed and came back into myself.

Two weeks after I left the rebound relationship, A-kon rolled around and Paul had asked me if we would be able to hang out.  I agreed, but it wasn't set in stone.  I stayed Friday night with a friend and his girlfriend and a few people in the hotel room.  Unfortunately, the friend's girlfriend's little brother decided to get so smashed he was pretty much unconscious ( he was 16 at the time).  I felt unsafe to stay there the rest of the weekend and it ruined half of my Saturday at the convention.  He also had stolen all of my convention money to boot.  When I told Paul he told me he was making the five hour drive and that he was getting a hotel room and I was more than welcome to one of the king sized beds.

I didn't want to since he could stay with friends, but he told me to think of it as seven years of missed Yule and birthday presents.  I agreed and when I showed back up at the convention at five and not more than a half hour later Paul messaged that he was there.  We met up in the dealer's room and I was stunned beyond words at seeing him.  he'd dropped so much weight since we last saw each other about 2 years before and he'd cut off his beautiful long blonde hair.  He was still one of the most handsome men I had ever seen.  We hugged and I was overwhelmed with this strange feeling of it being right for once, of feeling the hug fully returned.

There was no having to hold back from each other anymore, we were both single and adults.  We hung out the whole rest of the convention. And we both saw each other naked in the flesh for the first time.  He fell to his knees and was speechless and I blushed like a virgin.  We didn't have sex that weekend, but we didn't need to.  We snuggled that night after going to the dance and basically reliving the first time we met.  It was amazing. He also got me a new Pentacle for my birthday since my ex had either stolen or trashed mine in the process of the breakup.

The next afternoon after the con ended he dropped me off at the place I was staying while looking for a new place to live.  to see him drive away was like a pain in my heart though.  I knew something monumental had happened and I was scared as hell to see what was coming up next, but it was just as much excitement as well.
So a few weeks later he came to see me again, another five hour drive each way for him to do so.  We spent that night just kind of enjoying each other's company and just being close to one another.  Then we went on a hike the next day, and realized we both enjoyed the outdoors even more together.   

That night, to the sounds of Loreena Mckennit, Sara Brightman and others, with the candles glowing and my star machine casting green stars across the ceiling, we enjoyed our first time together.  It was everything we could have ever dreamed or hoped for.  incredible^^ We ended up on another hike the next day and again, when he left I felt the same as before.  When I talked to him about it later on, he admitted to feeling the same way. He made three more visits up to see me in the following weeks.

In the middle of July I lost my job because they didn't want to pay my benefits. I was heartbroken as it was less than two weeks before my birthday and I had planned a big party.  Paul stepped up and came up that Friday and spent Saturday running around Dallas to make my party as amazing as he could.  He succeeded and my My Little Pony themed party was awesome!  He really went the extra mile.  And for my birthday he got me a new star machine since mine had gone out a week before.

 For the next few months he made regular visits up to see me and I made a few bus trips down to see him.  We even went on a trip to new Orleans shortly before AnimeFest this year.  And this year, for the eight year anniversary of us meeting he surprised me with a lovely silver pendant his friend made.  I cried like a baby and we just had a ball celebrating our friendship and love.

After AnimeFest my roommate started getting creepy and I was forced to move out, I was afraid for my safety and sanity.  Paul suggested I move in with him but I was unsure.  When I had thought on it long and hard I decided to take the risk.  We've lived together for three months already, been through many things and are just as happy as that first night...
I am so happy that the man I called a good friend for many years is now the best Owner I could ask for.  I look forward to our time together and seeing what the future brings!

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