Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thoughts and experiences on Submission: Petplay

Sub, Slave, Pet, Babygirl, Student, Bottom, Masochist.

These are but a few names and themes given to the act of  submission.  I have been all of these and have experienced the full range of emotions, pros, cons and pitfalls of all of them.

I'll be breaking this up into a few posts as there is a lot to cover and go over!

I've been in the lifestyle to some degree or another for around 10 years now.  I have, for the most part always been a sub, except when I would occasionally service top.  I think that given my wide range of roles I have had in the lifestyle I might be able to shed some light on and explore a few different subgenres of submission and power exchange.  I'll be starting off with my first experiences as a sub, while I was a pet to my Mistress and her pet.

I was 16 when I first confronted full on my need to be submissive.  I'd always been a quiet girl, who had her head in the books and her fingers in the art supplies.  I lived a very rich inner fantasy life,  but in the end that wasn't enough for my hungry mind or my undying curiosity.  I started my search online and found within a few months of serious and careful searching a domme who was willing to at least educate me on D/s if not actually play with me ( since I was under the age of consent at the time.  Her name was Kat and she had a collared pet who lived with her named Emily.  We met in vanilla situations, never alone for about 6 months before she consented to me coming to her apartment.  I learned a lot in that time and she was pleased by my aptitude to learn and my passion about the lifestyle.  We started with simple things, she taught me many of the " Kajira" poses of Gor and I enjoyed running through them when I was alone in my room at home.

As the day of my 17th birthday drew near I felt a fluttering excitement in my belly,  I knew that the law stated I could give consent to sexual involvement at 17 and I was ready to be able to fully serve Kat and to learn even more about my ever evolving sexuality.   Then, about a month and a half before my birthday I lost my sister.  My world was in chaos for a few months after and Mistress was always there to comfort me if I wanted, never more than an email or IM away.  She was amazingly supportive of me.  I loved her deeply for her unwavering devotion to making sure that those she owned or taught were taken care of.  She was a wonderful domme too, she had all the sadism you could want wrapped up in a tenderness that I haven't yet found a match for.

She waited until a few months after my sister's passing and then offered me my first training collar.  She held the simple purple cat collar out like a lifeline, and I grabbed hold of it and spiraled down the rabbit hole with her and Emily into a intimate triad.  Emily was also a kittygirl and Mistress would always stop and take time out of her day to play with us both as our kitty selves.  Tossing around toy mice and jingly balls for us to chase.  She thought the most hilarious thing was using goldfish crackers as kitty treats.  She would put out a big blanket by the fireplace in the winter for us to curl up on and nap.  She was quite possibly one of the most amazing Owners I can think of.

We had two and a half lovely years together.  she taught me many things as a kitten and her submissive.  I learned how to kneel and be still.  How to unobtrusively help my owner with anything they needed, and serve guests.  How to take and enjoy pain and how to gracefully accept a punishment.  She taught me much about my awakening sexuality and how to please myself and others.  

I think the most important thing she taught me is self esteem.  I started bellydancing classes when I was nearly 18, and with that and her help I grew into being the confident woman I always wanted to be.  I knew that I am strong and determined and have a mind of my own, she taught me that it doesn't have to conflict with my submissive side.  

As a Kittygirl I have responsibilities like any sub, but they have varied wildly between my two owners. Since my Mistress was only part time she only required me to help out around the house when I was there or to be her pet in every sense of the word.  My job was to be the cute happy go lucky kitten in their house, the playmate, the lover, the friend.  I enjoyed it immensely and it was wonderful to just be a pet.

My current owner and I live together so I do a lot more,  I cook most of the meals, keep the house clean and generally take care of the little things.  When I have free time I am highly encouraged to paint, draw, hoop or do whatever I feel will make me happy too.  A lot of my free time is devoted to baking and making delicious treats for Sir because I really enjoy watching his face light up at the smell of freshly baked banana bread!  But other than that I get tied up and spanked, played with, fucked and loved just like any other submissive.

I should have more on this as we progress.  Sorry it's not as informative as I had hoped it might be, but ten years is a long time to remember things! 

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